Lifestyle Products

Health Signals | by Nico de Haan
Bi-weekly Newsletter

Let personal trainer Nico de Haan show you how you can get all the energy you want, help you look as great as you want, and help you feel as terrific as possible with his newsletter "Health Signals". It comes out every other week and is packed with great information on health, fitness and diet. He'll show you how to make better choices with your diet, he'll tell you where you can buy the best foods, he'll provide you with great recipe ideas that are both healthy and delicious, and much more. Learn More

Primal Edge | by Nico de Haan & Paige Clarke
Ancestral Comprehensive Daily Nutrition

Specifically formulated to help with weight loss, better sleep, stress reduction and the need to detox. Primal Edge Daily Nutrition includes a special blend of ionic soil-based vitamins, minerals, fatty and amino acids, in an easy to use liquid form. Primal Edge is powered by highly concentrated fulvic and humic acids, nature's preferred delivery system. They have been called "Miracle Molecules" because, like sunlight, air and cannot exist without them. Learn More