Paige Clarke ~ Living A Primal Lifestyle

Living a Primal Lifestyle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-8 AM EST

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About Paige Clarke


Paige Clarke: Holistic Practitioner & Nationally Sought After:

Speaker * Talk Show Host * Author * Educator * Product Formulator

Admittedly possessing an insatiable appetite for knowledge, Paige shares that although she has collected numerous certifications on her natural healing journey it is not just what she has learned, often it is what she has unlearned that motivates and excites her. Over twenty certifications and counting she shares the wisdom and secrets she has learned with those ready to take action and become the CEO of their own health.

Paige is co-host of the popular show "Living a Primal Lifestyle" with Nico de Haan airing weekly live on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-8 AM EST on TigerTV at

Paige Clarke is also owner and president of Ascentia Holistics, Inc. and Health and Healing Empowerment. She uses the emerging science of epigenetics, meaning above the genes, which empowers us all to defy our DNA! Recent science shows genes do not control your destiny-YOU do. The healing energy in food, frequency, essential oils, light, sound, movement, breath, water and right thought are powerful tools your body uses for health and healing.

You will find her list of accomplishments and continuing education impressive:
  • University of Florida, BSBA Suma cum Laude
  • Pan American School of Natural Medicine, DNM- Doctor of Natural Medicine (Candidate)
  • California College of Natural Medicine, Certified in Neuro-Endocrine and Ant-Aging Regulation
  • Certified Natural Health Practitioner, CNHP
  • Certified in Pastoral Medicine, Pan American School of Natural Medicine
  • Certified Aromatherapist CA-National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists NAHA; Association of International Aromatherapists AIA
  • Certified Sound Coach-(Candidate)
  • Certified Quantum Reflex Practitioner - Premier Research Labs-Levels 1/2/3
  • Anala Yoga- Teacher-RYT qualified
  • Supreme Science QiGong-QiGong Instructor-Level 1
  • Supreme Science QiGong-Food Healing Specialist
  • Certified Personal Trainer-International Sports and Fitness Trainers Association
  • Therapeutician-Healer Practitioner-Therapeutae Ministry, School of Metaphysics and Healing
  • Board Certified-Licensed Spiritual Healer-Federation of Spiritual Healers License Board-(Candidate)

As a "fifty something" mother and grandmother Paige is described as a shining example of boundless energy, sweet spirit, and radiant beauty, qualities appealing to people of all ages who seek out her services.

Her programs are a complete empowerment approach personalized uniquely for each client. Consultations are done by appointment via phone, Skype, or in person at her office in delightful downtown Dunedin, FL.

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